Science Centre
Why come to the Science Centre?
- Students develop both their practical STEM skills and their general problem-solving skills.
- More freedom to plan and conduct experiments than in the classroom.
- Participants learn more about different careers in STEM.
- Help with preparation for internships.
- Free for all Phorms students.
- Prizes for participating in some competitions.
To foster students´ interest in STEM and prepare them for future careers in STEM.
Phorms students can join the science center for free. External students are asked to pay a fee of 120€ per semester, which covers all materials (computers, robots, chemicals), registration and insurance fees.
- After-school programme for both internal and external students.
- Twice a week for younger students and once a week for older students.
Activities for grades 5 - 9: |
Lego Mindstorms Club, First Lego League und "Informatik-Biber" Wettbewerbe |
Mathematikwettbewerbe "Mathematik Olympiade" und "Känguru der Mathematik" |
Chemiewettbewerb "Chemie - mach mit!" |
Activities for grades 10 - 12: |
"Senior Biology and Conservation Programme" |
"Jugend forscht" Projekte |
"Mathematik Olympiade" |
"Internationale Biologie-Chemie-Physikolympiade" |
First Lego League - tuesdays from 16:00 to 17:00
What is First Lego League?
An international research competition and robotics competition in which teams work in four challenging catagories (Robot Game, Robot Design, Research and Teamwork).
What will we be doing?
You will design and build a robot to take part in a series of games as a team. You will research the theme of the year and present your research as a team. You will build leadership and/or teamwork skills in an educational, creative and fun environment.
Possible competition in January.
Bundeswettbewerb Informatik - mondays 16:45 to 17:30
Would you like to develop your interest in computer programming and be a part of a team that competes in a coding competition? If so then come along to coding competition club as part of the science centre.
Chemie – "Mach mit" - thursdays from 16:00 to 17:00
You will carry out a series of experiments in groups of up to three students before writing up what you have done and attempting to explain your observations using your scientific knowledge.
Deadline for entry in December and May.
"Jugend forscht" projects - mondays from 16:00 to 18:00
Work on your own scientific project and present it in front of a jury of scientists! First project in 2019 – Chemistry project on BPA migration from plastic packaging. Our three students won the “Regionalwettbewerb” and took part in the “Landeswettbewerb”. New projects on interferometry, ecology and more to come.
Senior Biology and Conservation programme - tuesdays from 16:00 to 17:00
This after school programme focuses on aspects of environmental Biology and conservation. Senior students will compete in the BundesUmwelt-Wettbewerb (BUW II), carrying out research and completing a final report on a conservation topic of their choice to be submitted in March. Using the skills gained throughout the competition, students have the unique opportunity to attend an end of year school trip to the Institute für Marine Biologie in Tuscany. Through this one week internship, participants will gain a hands on insight into Marine Biology, taking part in both courses on theory, and conducting tests on samples gained while in the marine environment.
Deadline for entry in March, internship in July.
Internationale Chemie-, Physik-, Biologieolympiade - tuesdays from 16:00 to 17:00
who: Grade 10 - 12 students
how: 4 Rounds: Startingat school, then State, National and finally International Competition
what: All Areas of Biology / Chemistry / Physics
Awards: Book and Money Awards, Travel Scholarships and prestigious Memberships (e.g. Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
Math Olympiade- wednesday from 16:00 to 17:00
Work on creative math problems according to your grade (Grades 5-12) and travel to state and national and even international competitions with your math team!
This international challenge requires perseverance, creativity and imagination, logical thinking, and other problem-solving strategies. By preparing for this competition and taking part you will develop your math skills.