Phorms Schule Frankfurt
(staatlich anerkannte Ersatzschule in freier Trägerschaft der Phorms Hessen gGmbH)
Phorms Taunus Campus comprises the following facilities:
Bilingual Day Care Centre PhorMinis Steinbach
Bilingual Primary School with Reception Phorms Frankfurt Taunus Campus
Bilingual Secondary School Phorms Frankfurt Taunus Campus
Waldstraße 91
61449 Steinbach/Taunus
TEL +49 6171 206 02 70
FAX +49 6171 206 02 99 (Please do not send applications by e-mail. Please apply online at
How to find us
The Phorms Taunus Campus is not only easily accessible by car.
We offer a school bus for children and young people from Frankfurt. We are also well connected to public transport.
Phorms Frankfurt City offers the following facility:
Bilingual Primary School with Reception Phorms Frankfurt City
Fürstenbergerstraße 3-9
60322 Frankfurt
TEL +49 69 173 92 550
FAX +49 69 173 92 574